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Supplementary notebook (alternative data source Berkeley Earth)
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Breaching 1.5°C: Give me the odds

A companion notebook


Aalborg University

Olivia Kvist

Aalborg University


This is a companion notebook to the article “Breaching 1.5°C: Give me the odds” by J. Eduardo Vera-Valdés and Olivia Kvist. It contains the code for the additional exercise considering the Berkeley Earth dataset. The code is written in Julia and it is organized into sections follow those of the replication notebook.

0. Load Packages

In [2]:
using Pkg
using Plots, Dates, CSV, DataFrames, LongMemory, Statistics, MarSwitching, Random
using .TrendEstimators

  Activating project at `~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AalborgUniversitet/Research/CLIMATE/Paris Goal/Odds-of-breaching-1.5C`

1. Load Data

1.1 Temperature

In [3]:
rawtemp ="data/BerkeleyEarth.csv", DataFrame)
T = size(rawtemp, 1);
dates = collect(Date(1850, 1, 1):Month(1):(Date(1850, 1, 1)+Dates.Month(T - 1)));
rawtemp = DataFrame("Dates" => dates, "Temperature" => rawtemp[!, 3]);
last(rawtemp, 5)
5×2 DataFrame
Row Dates Temperature
Date Float64
1 2024-05-01 1.209
2 2024-06-01 1.227
3 2024-07-01 1.226
4 2024-08-01 1.379
5 2024-09-01 1.269

1.2 El Niño

Loading the data and removing the missing values. They appear only at the beginning of the time series.

The data has been neatly collected by

In [4]:
rawnino ="data/Nino_1854_2024.csv", DataFrame)
delete!(rawnino, rawnino.ONI .== -99.99)
first(rawnino, 5)
5×7 DataFrame
Int64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 String1
1 1871 2 25.59 26.03 -0.45 -0.26 N
2 1871 3 26.66 26.55 0.11 0.08 N
3 1871 4 27.57 26.99 0.58 0.31 N
4 1871 5 27.4 27.16 0.24 0.36 N
5 1871 6 27.17 26.93 0.24 0.26 N
In [5]:
date_nino = Date.(rawnino[!, 1], rawnino[!, 2])
rawnino.Dates = date_nino
first(date_nino, 3)
3-element Vector{Date}:

1.3 Merging Data

Matching to first non-missing value of El Niño

In [6]:
tempnino = rawnino[rawnino.Dates.>=rawtemp.Dates[1], [:Dates, :ONI]]
tempnino[!, :Temp] = rawtemp[rawtemp.Dates.>=rawnino.Dates[1], :Temperature]
T = length(tempnino.Dates)
first(tempnino, 5)
5×3 DataFrame
Row Dates ONI Temp
Date Float64 Float64
1 1871-02-01 -0.26 -0.593
2 1871-03-01 0.08 -0.253
3 1871-04-01 0.31 -0.061
4 1871-05-01 0.36 -0.284
5 1871-06-01 0.26 -0.226

1.4 Rebaseline to pre-industrial levels (1850-1900)

In [7]:
newbaseline = mean(tempnino[(tempnino.Dates.>=Date(1850, 1, 1)).&(tempnino.Dates.<Date(1900, 1, 1)), :Temp]);
tempnino.Temp = tempnino.Temp .- newbaseline;

1.5 Temperature plots, pre-industrial baseline against 1951-1980 baseline

In [8]:
plot(tempnino.Dates, [rawtemp.Temperature[254:end] tempnino.Temp], label=["Baseline 1951-1980" "Baseline 1870-1900 (Pre-industrial)"], xlabel="", ylabel="", title = "", linewidth=[1 1.1], linestyle=[:dash :dot], xticks=(tempnino.Dates[1:240:end], Dates.format.(tempnino.Dates[1:240:end], "Y")), xlims=(Date(1880, 1, 1), Date(2021, 1, 1)))
plot!(size=(700, 400), fontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12, titlefontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontfamily="Computer Modern", tickfontfamily="Computer Modern", ylabelfontsize=12, xlabelfontsize=14, titlefontsize=16, xlabel="", ylabel="")
Figure 1: Temperature Anomalies (°C) [Berkeley Earth; Rohde and Hausfather (2020)]
In [9]:

2. First Look at the Data

In [10]:
plot(tempnino.Dates, [tempnino.Temp tempnino.ONI], label=["Temperature Anomalies (°C)" "El Niño"], xlabel="Date (Monthly)", ylabel="", legend=:topleft)
Figure 2: Raw Temperature Anomalies [Berkeley Earth; Rohde and Hausfather (2020)]

3. Markov Switching Model

Given the information criteria, 7 regimes (Very Strong El Niño, Strong El Niño, Moderate El Niño, Neutral, Moderate La Niña, Strong La Niña, and Very Strong La Niña).

In [11]:
nino_model7 = MSModel(tempnino[!, :ONI], 7);
Markov Switching Model with 7 regimes
# of observations:         1844 AIC:                      2427.653
# of estimated parameters:   56 BIC:                      2736.756
Error distribution:    Gaussian Instant. adj. R^2:          0.7213
Loglikelihood:          -1157.8 Step-ahead adj. R^2:        0.6107
Summary of regime 1: 
Coefficient  |  Estimate  |  Std. Error  |  z value  |  Pr(>|z|) 
β_0          |    -0.785  |      > 10e6  |     -0.0  |       1.0  
σ            |     0.164  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
Expected regime duration: 3.78 periods
Summary of regime 2: 
Coefficient  |  Estimate  |  Std. Error  |  z value  |  Pr(>|z|) 
β_0          |     1.293  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
σ            |     0.587  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
Expected regime duration: 11.65 periods
Summary of regime 3: 
Coefficient  |  Estimate  |  Std. Error  |  z value  |  Pr(>|z|) 
β_0          |    -0.737  |      > 10e6  |     -0.0  |       1.0  
σ            |     1.053  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
Expected regime duration: 1.00 periods
Summary of regime 4: 
Coefficient  |  Estimate  |  Std. Error  |  z value  |  Pr(>|z|) 
β_0          |    -0.251  |      > 10e6  |     -0.0  |       1.0  
σ            |     0.238  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
Expected regime duration: 12.10 periods
Summary of regime 5: 
Coefficient  |  Estimate  |  Std. Error  |  z value  |  Pr(>|z|) 
β_0          |    -1.141  |      > 10e6  |     -0.0  |       1.0  
σ            |     0.622  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
Expected regime duration: 8.09 periods
Summary of regime 6: 
Coefficient  |  Estimate  |  Std. Error  |  z value  |  Pr(>|z|) 
β_0          |     0.123  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
σ            |     0.707  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
Expected regime duration: 2.02 periods
Summary of regime 7: 
Coefficient  |  Estimate  |  Std. Error  |  z value  |  Pr(>|z|) 
β_0          |     0.321  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
σ            |     0.494  |      > 10e6  |      0.0  |       1.0  
Expected regime duration: 1.00 periods
left-stochastic transition matrix: 
          | regime 1   | regime 2   | regime 3   | regime 4   | regime 5   | regime 6   | regime 7
 regime 1 |    73.56%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |    2.055%  |    5.437%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |
 regime 2 |      0.0%  |   91.418%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |   17.662%  |      0.0%  |
 regime 3 |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |
 regime 4 |   14.427%  |      0.0%  |    100.0%  |   91.738%  |      0.0%  |   13.447%  |      0.0%  |
 regime 5 |    6.938%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |   87.636%  |     2.86%  |      0.0%  |
 regime 6 |      0.0%  |    6.251%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |      0.0%  |    50.51%  |    100.0%  |
 regime 7 |    5.075%  |    2.332%  |      0.0%  |    6.207%  |    6.927%  |   15.521%  |      0.0%  |

Looking at both the AIC and BIC, the 7-regime model is preferred. Hence, we continue with the 7-regime model.

4. Trend Model

Fitting the trend model

One example, quadratic trend

Fitting the quadratic trend model to the temperature anomalies and to the temperature anomalies with the El Niño index as an exogenous variable.

In [12]:
qmodel_exo = TrendEstimators.quad_trend_est(tempnino.Temp, tempnino.ONI)
qmodel = TrendEstimators.quad_trend_est(tempnino.Temp)
plot(tempnino.Dates, tempnino.Temp, linewidth=1, label="Temperature Anomalies", xlabel="", ylabel="", legend=:topleft)
plot!(tempnino.Dates, qmodel_exo.Yfit, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2, label="Quadratic Trend + Niño", color=2)
plot!(tempnino.Dates, qmodel.Yfit, linestyle=:dot, linewidth=2, label="Quadratic Trend", color=3)

Forecasting the quadratic trend model in two ways: only the quadratic trend and the quadratic trend with the long memory component.

In [13]:
h = 1000
date_for = collect((tempnino.Dates[1]+Dates.Month(T)):Month(1):(tempnino.Dates[1]+Dates.Month(T - 1)+Dates.Month(h)));
qmodel_forecast = TrendEstimators.quad_trend_forecast(qmodel, h);
plot!(date_for, qmodel_forecast.Yforecastmean, linestyle=:dot, linewidth=2, label="Forecast Quadratic Trend", color=4)
plot!(date_for, qmodel_forecast.Yforecasterr, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2, label="Forecast Quadratic Trend + LM", color=5)

Final forecasting adding the exogenous variable El Niño.

In [14]:
simul_nino = generate_msm(nino_model7, h)[1]
qmodel_exo_forecast = TrendEstimators.quad_trend_forecast(qmodel_exo, h, simul_nino)
plot!(date_for, qmodel_exo_forecast.Yforecasterr, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2, label="Forecast Quadratic Trend + LM + El Niño", color=6)

A second example, broken linear trend

Fitting the broken linear trend model to the temperature anomalies and to the temperature anomalies with the El Niño index as an exogenous variable.

In [15]:
bmodel = TrendEstimators.broken_trend_est(tempnino.Temp)
bmodel_exo = TrendEstimators.broken_trend_est(tempnino.Temp, tempnino.ONI)
plot(tempnino.Dates, tempnino.Temp, linewidth=1, label="Temperature Anomalies", xlabel="", ylabel="", legend=:topleft)
plot!(tempnino.Dates, bmodel_exo.Yfit, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2, label="Broken Trend + Niño", color=2)
plot!(tempnino.Dates, bmodel.Yfit, linestyle=:dot, linewidth=2, label="Broken Trend", color=3)

Forecasting the broken linear trend model in two ways: only the broken linear trend and the broken linear trend with the long memory component.

In [16]:
date_for = collect((tempnino.Dates[1]+Dates.Month(T)):Month(1):(tempnino.Dates[1]+Dates.Month(T - 1)+Dates.Month(h)));
bmodel_forecast = TrendEstimators.broken_trend_forecast(bmodel, h);
plot!(date_for, bmodel_forecast.Yforecastmean, linestyle=:dot, linewidth=2, label="Broken Trend", color=4)
plot!(date_for, bmodel_forecast.Yforecasterr, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2, label="Broken Trend + LM", color=5)

Final forecasting adding the exogenous variable El Niño.

In [17]:
simul_nino = generate_msm(nino_model7, h)[1]
bmodel_exo_forecast = TrendEstimators.broken_trend_forecast(bmodel_exo, h, simul_nino)
plot!(date_for, bmodel_exo_forecast.Yforecasterr, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2, label="Forecast Broken Trend + LM + El Niño", color=6)
plot!(fontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12, titlefontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontfamily="Computer Modern", tickfontfamily="Computer Modern", ylabelfontsize=12, xlabelfontsize=12, titlefontsize=16, xlabel="", ylabel="", ylims=(-0.9, 2.3))
In [18]:
plot!(fontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12, titlefontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontfamily="Computer Modern", tickfontfamily="Computer Modern", ylabelfontsize=12, xlabelfontsize=12, titlefontsize=16, xlabel="", ylabel="", ylims=(-0.6, 2.8), xlims=(Date(2010, 1, 1), Date(2040, 1, 1)))

Selecting the best model

In [19]:
thisseries = tempnino.Temp;
TrendEstimators.select_trend_model(TrendEstimators.trend_est(thisseries, tempnino.ONI), TrendEstimators.quad_trend_est(thisseries, tempnino.ONI), TrendEstimators.broken_trend_est(thisseries, tempnino.ONI))
("break", (β = [-0.10353755755164067, 0.00033556254446457545, 0.001390561401476513, 0.08465931023982343], σ² = 0.024066882169802795, break_point = 1244, rss = 44.28306319243714, aic = -6868.442182904796, bic = -6846.36341328833, betavar = [7.123035009773671e-5 -7.826445084279888e-8 1.435226571508739e-7 -8.348482209377505e-7; -7.826445084279889e-8 1.1353386006150297e-10 -2.7082182723749503e-10 6.054216120128408e-10; 1.4352265715087397e-7 -2.708218272374951e-10 1.0872951327886004e-9 -9.647761292462743e-11; -8.348482209377503e-7 6.054216120128405e-10 -9.647761292462656e-11 1.822193578978558e-5], res = [-0.17829667078580122, 0.13258360118819423, 0.30477639728857026, 0.07720786923211453, 0.14333823771163226, 0.19953674414318534, 0.15319547126754374, -0.04667987058411556, 0.11514368410019869, -0.16079979570349592  …  0.21751616566113974, 0.09318212445596896, 0.23485379358197522, 0.18175842821997223, 0.23143580767715477, 0.12195406990555924, 0.15939277351957415, 0.16597917370001336, 0.32995194629004576, 0.22753834647048565], Yfit = [-0.12521341566953018, -0.09609368764352565, -0.07628648374390166, -0.07171795568744593, -0.07984832416696369, -0.07104683059851678, -0.059705557722875155, -0.05683021587121588, -0.06665377055553011, -0.08071029075183553  …  1.4999737478835287, 1.4873077890886994, 1.4636361199626935, 1.4357314853246965, 1.4010541058675137, 1.3765358436391093, 1.3570971400250946, 1.349510739844655, 1.3385379672546227, 1.330951567074183]))

5. Forecasting paths

There is only one realization of the Berkeley Earth dataset, so we add the data uncertainty by sampling from the distribution of the estimated parameters.

In [20]:
# label: forecast-simulations

nsim = 1000
matforecasts = zeros(h, nsim)
uncertainty = 1.96 

thisseries = tempnino.Temp

test = TrendEstimators.trend_est(thisseries, tempnino.ONI)
qtest = TrendEstimators.quad_trend_est(thisseries, tempnino.ONI)
btest = TrendEstimators.broken_trend_est(thisseries, tempnino.ONI)

model_selection = TrendEstimators.select_trend_model(test, qtest, btest)

for jj = 1:nsim

    simul_nino = generate_msm(nino_model7, h)[1]

    if model_selection[1] == "trend"
        matforecasts[:, jj] = TrendEstimators.trend_forecast(test, h, simul_nino, uncertainty).Yforecasterr
    elseif model_selection[1] == "quad"
        matforecasts[:, jj] = TrendEstimators.quad_trend_forecast(qtest, h, simul_nino, uncertainty).Yforecasterr
    elseif model_selection[1] == "break"
        matforecasts[:, jj] = TrendEstimators.broken_trend_forecast(btest, h, simul_nino, uncertainty).Yforecasterr
        @warn "No model selected"


Plotting the forecasts

In [21]:
 p1 = plot(tempnino.Dates, tempnino.Temp, linewidth=1, label="Temperature Anomalies (BEST)", xlabel="", ylabel="", legend=:topleft)
 plot!(date_for, matforecasts[:,rand(1:nsim,100)], linestyle=:dot, linewidth=2, label="")
 plot!(fontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12, titlefontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontfamily="Computer Modern", tickfontfamily="Computer Modern", ylabelfontsize=12, xlabelfontsize=12, titlefontsize=16, xlabel="", ylabel="", ylims=(-0.6, 2.8), xlims=(Date(1890, 1, 1), Date(2090, 1, 1)))
Figure 3: Simulated forecast paths for Berkeley Earth temperature anomalies.

6. Estimating the probability of exceeding 1.5°C

Using the middle point of the first 20 years period where the mean temperature exceeds 1.5°C

In [22]:
PA_start = Date("2016-11-01") # PA enters into force
inicio = findfirst(isequal(PA_start),tempnino.Dates)-119
fin = T + h - 120 # 10 years

datejoin = collect(PA_start-Month(119):Month(1):date_for[h-120])
meantemp = tempnino[inicio:T, :Temp]
tsize = fin-inicio+1
dummies = zeros(tsize, nsim)

for jj = 1:nsim
    completo = [meantemp; matforecasts[:, jj]]
    for ii = 120:tsize
        dummies[ii, jj] = mean(completo[ii-119:ii+120])

pa15 = mean(dummies[:, :] .>= 1.5, dims=2);
pa20 = mean(dummies[:, :] .>= 2, dims=2);
In [23]:
xls = (Date(2015, 11, 1), Date(2090, 1, 1))

plot(datejoin, pa15, label="1.5C", color=:darkorange, legend=:bottomright, xticks=(collect(xls[1]:Dates.Month(120):xls[2]), Dates.format.(collect(xls[1]:Dates.Month(120):xls[2]), "Y")), linewidth=4, linestyle=:dash, title="Probability of breaching the 1.5°C and 2°C thresholds", xlabel="Date (monthly)", ylabel="Probability")
plot!(datejoin, pa20, label="2.0C", color=:red3, linewidth=4, linestyle=:dashdot)
plot!(fontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12, titlefontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontfamily="Computer Modern", tickfontfamily="Computer Modern", ylabelfontsize=12, xlabelfontsize=12, titlefontsize=14, ylims=(0, 1), xlims=xls)
Figure 4: Proportion of scenarios that breach the 1.5°C and 2°C thresholds for the Berkeley Earth temperature anomalies for each month. The figure considers 1000 scenarios, each based on the best-fitting model for each realization and a El Niño simulation.
In [24]:
"/Users/jeddy/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AalborgUniversitet/Research/CLIMATE/Paris Goal/Odds-of-breaching-1.5C/figures/Coverage-Berkeley.png"

Data frame to save probability paths

In [25]:
results_probability_paths = DataFrame("Date (month)" => datejoin, "1.5°C Threshold" => vec(pa15), "2°C Threshold" => vec(pa20))
CSV.write("tables/ProbabilityPathsBerkeley.csv", results_probability_paths)

Data frame to store the probabilites

In [26]:
results_probabilities = DataFrame("Probability level and period" => String[], "1.5°C Threshold" => Date[], "2°C Threshold" => Date[])

push!(results_probabilities, ["Above 1%, 20-years avg.", datejoin[findfirst(pa15 .> 0.01)], datejoin[findfirst(pa20 .> 0.01)]])
push!(results_probabilities, ["Above 50%, 20-years avg.", datejoin[findfirst(pa15 .>= 0.5)], datejoin[findfirst(pa20 .>= 0.5)]])
push!(results_probabilities, ["Above 99%, 20-years avg.", datejoin[findfirst(pa15 .>= 0.99)], datejoin[findfirst(pa20 .>= 0.99)]])
3×3 DataFrame
Row Probability level and period 1.5°C Threshold 2°C Threshold
String Date Date
1 Above 1%, 20-years avg. 2024-11-01 2044-06-01
2 Above 50%, 20-years avg. 2028-08-01 2053-08-01
3 Above 99%, 20-years avg. 2036-09-01 2063-01-01

Using the middle point of the first 30 years period where the mean temperature exceeds 1.5°C

In [27]:
PA_start = Date("2016-11-01") # PA enters into force
inicio30 = findfirst(isequal(PA_start),tempnino.Dates)-179
fin30 = T + h - 180 # 15 years
datejoin30 = collect(PA_start-Month(179):Month(1):date_for[h-180])
meantemp30 = tempnino[inicio30:T, :Temp]
dummies30 = zeros(h, nsim)

for jj = 1:nsim
    completo = [meantemp30; matforecasts[:, jj]]
    for ii = 180:h
        dummies30[ii, jj] = mean(completo[ii-179:ii+180])

pa15_30 = mean(dummies30[:, :] .>= 1.5, dims=2);
pa20_30 = mean(dummies30[:, :] .>= 2, dims=2);

Updating table with the results for the 30 years period.

In [28]:
push!(results_probabilities, ["Above 1%, 30-years avg.", datejoin[findfirst(pa15_30 .> 0.01)], datejoin[findfirst(pa20_30 .> 0.01)]])
push!(results_probabilities, ["Above 50%, 30-years avg.", datejoin[findfirst(pa15_30 .>= 0.5)], datejoin[findfirst(pa20_30 .>= 0.5)]])
push!(results_probabilities, ["Above 99%, 30-years avg.", datejoin[findfirst(pa15_30 .>= 0.99)], datejoin[findfirst(pa20_30 .>= 0.99)]])
6×3 DataFrame
Row Probability level and period 1.5°C Threshold 2°C Threshold
String Date Date
1 Above 1%, 20-years avg. 2024-11-01 2044-06-01
2 Above 50%, 20-years avg. 2028-08-01 2053-08-01
3 Above 99%, 20-years avg. 2036-09-01 2063-01-01
4 Above 1%, 30-years avg. 2030-10-01 2049-05-01
5 Above 50%, 30-years avg. 2033-12-01 2058-08-01
6 Above 99%, 30-years avg. 2040-11-01 2068-03-01

Saving the results to a csv file.

In [29]:
CSV.write("tables/ResultsBerkeley.csv", results_probabilities)

Full table with the results.

In [30]:
In [30]:
6×3 DataFrame
Row Probability level and period 1.5°C Threshold 2°C Threshold
String Date Date
1 Above 1%, 20-years avg. 2024-11-01 2044-06-01
2 Above 50%, 20-years avg. 2028-08-01 2053-08-01
3 Above 99%, 20-years avg. 2036-09-01 2063-01-01
4 Above 1%, 30-years avg. 2030-10-01 2049-05-01
5 Above 50%, 30-years avg. 2033-12-01 2058-08-01
6 Above 99%, 30-years avg. 2040-11-01 2068-03-01
Table 1: Months to breach the 1.5°C and 2°C thresholds for the Berkeley Earth temperature anomalies at a given probability level.
Rohde, Robert A, and Zeke Hausfather. 2020. “The Berkeley Earth Land/Ocean Temperature Record.” Earth System Science Data 12 (4): 3469–79.