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Breaching 1.5°C: Give me the odds

Temperature anomalies notebook


Aalborg University

Olivia Kvist

Aalborg University


This is a supplementary notebook for the paper “Breaching 1.5°C: Give me the odds” by J. Eduardo Vera-Valdés and Olivia Kvist. The notebook shows a plot comparing the different temperature anomalies datasets used in the paper.

0. Load Packages

In [1]:
using Pkg
using Plots, Dates, CSV, DataFrames, Statistics
using .TrendEstimators

  Activating project at `~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AalborgUniversitet/Research/CLIMATE/Paris Goal/Odds-of-breaching-1.5C`
WARNING: replacing module TrendEstimators.

1. Load Data

1.1 Load HadCRUT Data

In [2]:
rawtemp_hadcrut ="data/", DataFrame)
first(rawtemp_hadcrut, 5)
5×203 DataFrame
103 columns omitted
Row Time Fraction of area represented Coverage uncertainty (1 sigma) Realization 1 Realization 2 Realization 3 Realization 4 Realization 5 Realization 6 Realization 7 Realization 8 Realization 9 Realization 10 Realization 11 Realization 12 Realization 13 Realization 14 Realization 15 Realization 16 Realization 17 Realization 18 Realization 19 Realization 20 Realization 21 Realization 22 Realization 23 Realization 24 Realization 25 Realization 26 Realization 27 Realization 28 Realization 29 Realization 30 Realization 31 Realization 32 Realization 33 Realization 34 Realization 35 Realization 36 Realization 37 Realization 38 Realization 39 Realization 40 Realization 41 Realization 42 Realization 43 Realization 44 Realization 45 Realization 46 Realization 47 Realization 48 Realization 49 Realization 50 Realization 51 Realization 52 Realization 53 Realization 54 Realization 55 Realization 56 Realization 57 Realization 58 Realization 59 Realization 60 Realization 61 Realization 62 Realization 63 Realization 64 Realization 65 Realization 66 Realization 67 Realization 68 Realization 69 Realization 70 Realization 71 Realization 72 Realization 73 Realization 74 Realization 75 Realization 76 Realization 77 Realization 78 Realization 79 Realization 80 Realization 81 Realization 82 Realization 83 Realization 84 Realization 85 Realization 86 Realization 87 Realization 88 Realization 89 Realization 90 Realization 91 Realization 92 Realization 93 Realization 94 Realization 95 Realization 96 Realization 97
Date Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 1850-01-01 0.53036 0.12529 -0.648141 -0.687369 -0.659397 -0.795922 -0.575723 -0.872706 -0.697845 -0.938079 -0.714489 -0.693846 -0.801877 -0.601654 -0.745235 -0.688707 -0.51959 -0.580684 -0.733635 -0.775802 -0.685629 -0.750843 -0.593316 -0.796245 -0.681935 -0.709096 -0.673113 -0.627142 -0.87027 -0.734045 -0.739397 -0.733723 -0.722726 -0.733075 -0.704837 -0.646199 -0.63273 -0.687739 -0.686664 -0.766938 -0.660519 -0.500427 -0.761633 -0.593218 -0.673419 -0.633932 -0.53979 -0.534376 -0.730824 -0.672585 -0.709929 -0.782612 -0.587371 -0.775013 -0.669417 -0.738468 -0.65991 -0.641778 -0.705 -0.728567 -0.854561 -0.622728 -0.666254 -0.762724 -0.654979 -0.698282 -0.566776 -0.641214 -0.608169 -0.721251 -0.643558 -0.737449 -0.638663 -0.610622 -0.526234 -0.738695 -0.819199 -0.678843 -0.683284 -0.784564 -0.613478 -0.755483 -0.777482 -0.624742 -0.627155 -0.62747 -0.688723 -0.854917 -0.592061 -0.583304 -0.820669 -0.859069 -0.661617 -0.548561 -0.743047 -0.796279 -0.746007 -0.975871 -0.626403
2 1850-02-01 0.471513 0.15873 -0.198692 -0.379979 -0.353424 -0.499135 -0.307929 -0.437846 -0.226076 -0.577648 -0.405545 -0.392731 -0.597314 -0.396609 -0.332673 -0.431029 -0.186967 -0.323219 -0.320514 -0.585462 -0.386137 -0.31327 -0.374146 -0.393756 -0.377606 -0.270782 -0.281058 -0.297886 -0.440194 -0.272709 -0.375954 -0.316262 -0.395188 -0.45457 -0.310405 -0.380035 -0.414555 -0.284795 -0.391644 -0.302887 -0.429657 -0.208564 -0.397717 -0.427922 -0.29149 -0.208944 -0.232016 -0.34283 -0.303425 -0.159931 -0.409084 -0.379061 -0.441772 -0.384035 -0.168103 -0.374769 -0.331487 -0.281074 -0.473583 -0.308901 -0.519065 -0.37427 -0.373581 -0.392881 -0.259453 -0.358303 -0.189542 -0.268094 -0.19915 -0.513153 -0.427336 -0.380227 -0.389459 -0.32174 -0.139402 -0.278627 -0.342224 -0.304565 -0.209553 -0.431765 -0.262323 -0.418606 -0.363407 -0.292048 -0.373431 -0.360892 -0.476022 -0.406109 -0.389504 -0.239712 -0.329308 -0.478804 -0.303512 -0.305987 -0.337012 -0.644136 -0.404883 -0.496024 -0.366001
3 1850-03-01 0.443069 0.146062 -0.559715 -0.58127 -0.613536 -0.770914 -0.649228 -0.674574 -0.422177 -0.66901 -0.633439 -0.52613 -0.742085 -0.673435 -0.500491 -0.750384 -0.441357 -0.66936 -0.684599 -0.871666 -0.528859 -0.450323 -0.676369 -0.747881 -0.515235 -0.564603 -0.517356 -0.65774 -0.799563 -0.562602 -0.7321 -0.708126 -0.601581 -0.750345 -0.491204 -0.521375 -0.63429 -0.650293 -0.695271 -0.567457 -0.661922 -0.402203 -0.729825 -0.630483 -0.591241 -0.595347 -0.520872 -0.534415 -0.675771 -0.521642 -0.579516 -0.71082 -0.538983 -0.637005 -0.613244 -0.527521 -0.518286 -0.549176 -0.646482 -0.474831 -0.749775 -0.593508 -0.65672 -0.616531 -0.641366 -0.579132 -0.353847 -0.593789 -0.379657 -0.577604 -0.665159 -0.552994 -0.700469 -0.621582 -0.519006 -0.692925 -0.651994 -0.63646 -0.483905 -0.629932 -0.463239 -0.664408 -0.699684 -0.507791 -0.731221 -0.577734 -0.688031 -0.647881 -0.681086 -0.607305 -0.700216 -0.774448 -0.562562 -0.489596 -0.625427 -0.771725 -0.605319 -0.642851 -0.665689
4 1850-04-01 0.477059 0.116737 -0.582562 -0.630568 -0.667448 -0.662525 -0.535898 -0.639695 -0.530702 -0.777102 -0.586981 -0.560966 -0.728786 -0.682735 -0.672664 -0.766407 -0.453648 -0.560511 -0.602442 -0.735504 -0.63805 -0.540513 -0.739323 -0.585814 -0.718682 -0.603517 -0.559599 -0.594016 -0.883967 -0.482028 -0.72607 -0.738021 -0.665697 -0.593461 -0.588228 -0.420146 -0.570728 -0.525597 -0.762746 -0.651996 -0.67501 -0.645 -0.770939 -0.635276 -0.575136 -0.474133 -0.439831 -0.45318 -0.473134 -0.518875 -0.570078 -0.59986 -0.661941 -0.67698 -0.512728 -0.550911 -0.497807 -0.615813 -0.453946 -0.432336 -0.790955 -0.860717 -0.531102 -0.672874 -0.730638 -0.601917 -0.429681 -0.665624 -0.535866 -0.594661 -0.656524 -0.685286 -0.49377 -0.605827 -0.551834 -0.556864 -0.688364 -0.615699 -0.659199 -0.586911 -0.499775 -0.698917 -0.642701 -0.524081 -0.586376 -0.729377 -0.701497 -0.737507 -0.544223 -0.426124 -0.786389 -0.706019 -0.53647 -0.61126 -0.617072 -0.755983 -0.614728 -0.72169 -0.544256
5 1850-05-01 0.487233 0.0959004 -0.405015 -0.493155 -0.550864 -0.544453 -0.47662 -0.672841 -0.49744 -0.602508 -0.587425 -0.501821 -0.602731 -0.661768 -0.543273 -0.610651 -0.416928 -0.468399 -0.599917 -0.601003 -0.517457 -0.532942 -0.559357 -0.613025 -0.540389 -0.424855 -0.623499 -0.473184 -0.582298 -0.488883 -0.597144 -0.580549 -0.596275 -0.515859 -0.479709 -0.451944 -0.450419 -0.513041 -0.654336 -0.641418 -0.526376 -0.440389 -0.501845 -0.485711 -0.625926 -0.433709 -0.496531 -0.421105 -0.541942 -0.478641 -0.559323 -0.551123 -0.677664 -0.617393 -0.537903 -0.498957 -0.40096 -0.499489 -0.400485 -0.450071 -0.640857 -0.553566 -0.649817 -0.483871 -0.56162 -0.587049 -0.408533 -0.486738 -0.515691 -0.4793 -0.607593 -0.468211 -0.523822 -0.490501 -0.496283 -0.508472 -0.526525 -0.486144 -0.449892 -0.609757 -0.281833 -0.624157 -0.528959 -0.380567 -0.620688 -0.520108 -0.608274 -0.551075 -0.464028 -0.444602 -0.423735 -0.538749 -0.574072 -0.397351 -0.445786 -0.760367 -0.51173 -0.664402 -0.439849

Saving the mean of the ensemble to be used later.

In [3]:
menstemp_hadcrut = reduce(+, eachcol(rawtemp_hadcrut[:, 4:203])) ./ ncol(rawtemp_hadcrut[:, 4:203]);
temp_hadcrut = DataFrame("Dates" => rawtemp_hadcrut.Time, "Temperature" => menstemp_hadcrut[:]);
first(temp_hadcrut, 5)
5×2 DataFrame
Row Dates Temperature
Date Float64
1 1850-01-01 -0.674564
2 1850-02-01 -0.333416
3 1850-03-01 -0.591323
4 1850-04-01 -0.588721
5 1850-05-01 -0.508817


In [4]:
oldbase_hadcrut = mean(temp_hadcrut.Temperature[(temp_hadcrut.Dates.>=Date(1850, 1, 1)).&(temp_hadcrut.Dates.<Date(1900, 1, 1))]);
temp_hadcrut.Temperature = temp_hadcrut.Temperature .- oldbase_hadcrut;
first(temp_hadcrut, 5) 
5×2 DataFrame
Row Dates Temperature
Date Float64
1 1850-01-01 -0.31563
2 1850-02-01 0.0255188
3 1850-03-01 -0.232388
4 1850-04-01 -0.229786
5 1850-05-01 -0.149882

1.2 GISTEMP Data

In [5]:
widetemp ="data/GLB.Ts+dSST.csv", DataFrame)
rawtemp_gistemp = TrendEstimators.longseries(widetemp)
T = size(rawtemp_gistemp, 1);
dates = collect(Date(1880, 1, 1):Month(1):(Date(1880, 1, 1)+Dates.Month(T - 1)));
temp_gistemp = DataFrame("Dates" => dates, "Temperature" => rawtemp_gistemp[:]);
first(temp_gistemp, 5)
5×2 DataFrame
Row Dates Temperature
Date Float64
1 1880-01-01 -0.2
2 1880-02-01 -0.26
3 1880-03-01 -0.09
4 1880-04-01 -0.17
5 1880-05-01 -0.1


In [6]:
oldbase_gistemp = mean(temp_gistemp.Temperature[(temp_gistemp.Dates.>=Date(1850, 1, 1)).&(temp_gistemp.Dates.<Date(1901, 1, 1))]);
temp_gistemp.Temperature = temp_gistemp.Temperature .- oldbase_gistemp;

1.3 Berkeley Data

In [7]:
rawtemp_berkeley ="data/BerkeleyEarth.csv", DataFrame)
T = size(rawtemp_berkeley, 1);
dates = collect(Date(1850, 1, 1):Month(1):(Date(1850, 1, 1)+Dates.Month(T - 1)));
rawtemp_berkeley = DataFrame("Dates" => dates, "Temperature" => rawtemp_berkeley[!, 3]);


In [8]:
oldbase_berkeley = mean(rawtemp_berkeley.Temperature[(rawtemp_berkeley.Dates.>=Date(1850, 1, 1)).&(rawtemp_berkeley.Dates.<Date(1900, 1, 1))]);
temp_berkeley = DataFrame("Dates" => dates, "Temperature" => rawtemp_berkeley.Temperature .- oldbase_berkeley);

1.4 NOAA Data

In [9]:
rawtemp_noaa ="data/NOAA.csv", DataFrame)
T = size(rawtemp_noaa, 1);
dates = collect(Date(1850, 1, 1):Month(1):(Date(1850, 1, 1)+Dates.Month(T - 1)));
temp_noaa = DataFrame("Dates" => dates, "Temperature" => rawtemp_noaa[!, 3]);


In [10]:
oldbase_noaa = mean(temp_noaa.Temperature[(temp_noaa.Dates.>=Date(1850, 1, 1)).&(temp_noaa.Dates.<Date(1900, 1, 1))]);
temp_noaa.Temperature = temp_noaa.Temperature .- oldbase_noaa;
last(temp_noaa, 5)
5×2 DataFrame
Row Dates Temperature
Date Float64
1 2024-04-01 1.34532
2 2024-05-01 1.39105
3 2024-06-01 1.39492
4 2024-07-01 1.44785
5 2024-08-01 1.45617


In [11]:
plot(temp_hadcrut.Dates, temp_hadcrut.Temperature, label="HadCRUT (pre-industrial baseline)", xlabel="Date (monthly)", ylabel="°C", linewidth=0.8, linestyle= :dot, xticks=(temp_hadcrut.Dates[372:240:end], Dates.format.(temp_hadcrut.Dates[372:240:end], "Y")), title="Temperature anomalies", color=1)
plot!(temp_gistemp.Dates, temp_gistemp.Temperature, label="GISTEMP (pre-industrial baseline)", linewidth=0.8, linestyle= :dot, color=2)
plot!(temp_berkeley.Dates, temp_berkeley.Temperature, label="Berkeley Earth (pre-industrial baseline)", linewidth=0.8, linestyle= :dot, color=3, xlims=(Date(1990, 1, 1), Date(2024, 10, 1)))
plot!(temp_noaa.Dates, temp_noaa.Temperature, label="NOAA (pre-industrial baseline)", linewidth=0.7, linestyle= :dot, color=4, ylims=(-0.2, 1.8))
plot!(fontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12, titlefontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontfamily="Computer Modern", tickfontfamily="Computer Modern", ylabelfontsize=12, xlabelfontsize=12, titlefontsize=12, legend=:bottomright)
Figure 1: Temperature anomalies (°C) in the HadCRUT5 (Morice et al. 2021), GISTEMP (GISTEMP 2020), Berkeley Earth (Rohde and Hausfather 2020), and NOAAGlobalTemp (Huang et al. 2024) datasets. All datasets are presented with the pre-industrial baseline period (Before 1900).
In [12]:
"/Users/jeddy/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AalborgUniversitet/Research/CLIMATE/Paris Goal/Odds-of-breaching-1.5C/figures/Temperature-Anomalies-All-Datasets.png"
In [13]:

[ last(temp_hadcrut.Temperature, 5), last(temp_gistemp.Temperature, 5), last(temp_berkeley.Temperature, 5), last(temp_noaa.Temperature, 5) ]
4-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
 [1.4334640716722102, 1.4743430876722106, 1.4969345246722099, 1.5985191671722112, 1.4999801771722105]
 [1.3774603174603173, 1.4574603174603173, 1.4174603174603173, 1.5174603174603174, 1.4474603174603173]
 [1.513775, 1.531775, 1.530775, 1.683775, 1.573775]
 [1.3453185816666666, 1.3910525816666666, 1.3949165816666667, 1.4478515816666666, 1.4561725816666666]

Probability paths

In [14]:
paths_hadcrut ="tables/ProbabilityPathsHadCRUT5-Extensive.csv", DataFrame);
paths_gistemp ="tables/ProbabilityPathsGISTEMP-Extensive.csv", DataFrame);
paths_berkeley ="tables/ProbabilityPathsBerkeley-Extensive.csv", DataFrame);
paths_noaa ="tables/ProbabilityPathsNOAA_breakmodel-Extensive.csv", DataFrame);
In [15]:
plot(paths_hadcrut."Date (month)", [paths_hadcrut."1.5°C Threshold"], label="HadCRUT", xlabel="Date (monthly)", ylabel="Probability", linewidth=4, linestyle= :dashdot, title="", color=:darkorange)
plot!(paths_gistemp."Date (month)", [paths_gistemp."1.5°C Threshold"], label="GISTEMP", linewidth=4, linestyle= :dot, color=:darkorange2)
plot!(paths_berkeley."Date (month)", [paths_berkeley."1.5°C Threshold"], label="Berkeley Earth", linewidth=4, linestyle= :dash, color=:darkorange3)
plot!(paths_noaa."Date (month)", [paths_noaa."1.5°C Threshold"], label="NOAA", linewidth=4, linestyle= :solid, color=:darkorange4)
plot!(xlims= (Date(2020, 1, 1), Date(2053, 1, 1)), ylims=(0, 1), xticks=(paths_hadcrut."Date (month)"[168:60:end-336], Dates.format.(paths_hadcrut."Date (month)"[168:60:end-336], "Y")), fontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12, titlefontfamily="Computer Modern", legendfontfamily="Computer Modern", tickfontfamily="Computer Modern", ylabelfontsize=12, xlabelfontsize=12, titlefontsize=12, legend=:bottomright)
Figure 2: Probability of exceeding the 1.5°C threshold in the HadCRUT5 (Morice et al. 2021), GISTEMP (GISTEMP 2020), Berkeley Earth (Rohde and Hausfather 2020), and NOAAGlobalTemp (Huang et al. 2024) datasets.
In [16]:
"/Users/jeddy/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AalborgUniversitet/Research/CLIMATE/Paris Goal/Odds-of-breaching-1.5C/figures/Coverage-All-Datasets.png"
GISTEMP. 2020. GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP), version 4.”
Huang, Boyin, Xungang Yin, Matthew J. Menne, Russell S. Vose, and Huai-Min Zhang. 2024. “NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset (NOAAGlobalTemp).” NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.
Morice, Colin P, John J Kennedy, Nick A Rayner, JP Winn, Emma Hogan, RE Killick, RJH Dunn, TJ Osborn, PD Jones, and IR Simpson. 2021. “An Updated Assessment of Near-Surface Temperature Change from 1850: The HadCRUT5 Data Set.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (3): e2019JD032361.
Rohde, Robert A, and Zeke Hausfather. 2020. “The Berkeley Earth Land/Ocean Temperature Record.” Earth System Science Data 12 (4): 3469–79.